We believe in the power of storytelling and that books aren't just products but personal masterpieces.

Newest Authors to Hezzie Mae

Sheri Fox

Precious Child, a children’s book

Trish Berger

Little Baby Santa, an interactive children’s book to strengthen social-emotional skills

Steven Peyer

One Man’s Murmuration, coming June 2024

Rachel Gilbertson

Aligned Enchantment, A 100-Day Reflective Journal

Betsy Anderson

Curvy Road, a Memoir. coming Summer 2024

Maria(h) Pittman

Artistic Coloring Book, Summer 2024

Creating Beautiful Things

With & For People

Hezzie Mae is a haven for authors who feel an inner calling to share their creativity or message.

We are change-makers, pooling our light, wisdom, and soul purpose to inspire and uplift others.

Time is irrelevant; communication and collaboration are essential. With that formula, I guarantee the publishing process will be smoother and more gratifying.

My focus is on You. Your vision. Your mission. Welcome to Hezzie Mae.

Sheri Fox launches Precious Child…

A dream almost forty years in the making. Congrats, Sheri!

Keepsake Hardcover Edition will be available NOW!

Reflections from a Book Launch Celebration

“As I soak in the magic moments, heartfelt stories, and serendipitous connections from the Aligned Enchantment Launch Party, I’ve been replaying the scenes so I can reminisce about them in the future. But I know I don’t need to cling to them tightly as they now live within my body and heart.

The launch party was intended to celebrate the journey, connect and offer gratitude to those who have supported it, and create art and meaningful memories together. I see now that it was also a needed place to pause.

Far too often, I leap from goal to accomplishment to the next goal without pausing to take in the moment, celebrate the growth, and reflect on the process.

What I realized through reflection is that the launch party was also to take in the gratitude from others, celebrate my growth, and get a glimpse into who I’ve become in the process. Everyone else could already see it, but I needed to see it reflected on their faces to realize it for myself. It is a shift even closer to my authentic self through creative expression.

The pause is the key to integrating wisdom, recognizing growth, and seeing clues into the next small step or mindful leap in the direction of dreams.”

Rachel Gilbertson, author of Aligned Enchantment

A Day with Hezzie Mae - 3 Ways My Branding Sets Me Apart

I’m an educator, author, indie-publisher, artist, trauma survivor, and your biggest cheerleader…

Fostering Inspiration. Embracing the Process.

She’s Hezzie Mae

a blog focused on Personal Growth, Writing & Publishing, Creativity & Art, and Healing to Live

I am your Creativity Curator.

I strongly believe in our inherent capacity to cultivate a life surpassing our most audacious aspirations.

Having navigated my own journey as a writer, custom publisher, artist, educator, and trauma survivor, I am driven by a sincere desire to guide and support you on your unique path.

My name is Heather.

Beyond the Noise: Custom Marketing Solutions for Authors

Step into a realm where books are personal masterpieces, not mere products.

Hezzie Mae offers authors a customized marketing plan tailored for those seeking steady income streams with minimal social media usage. Embrace authenticity, championing the transformative power of your work, while we help you navigate the noise and reach your audience with integrity and impact.

In this sanctuary for authors, we honor the essence of each written word, recognizing books as mentors, inspiration portals, and teachers.

I grant you permission to let your ethos and values be your brand as you stand tall amidst the clamor of the market. With Hezzie Mae, you can forge a path guided by high-impact strategies, building meaningful connections and fostering genuine relationships with your readers.

Available as an additional service for Hezzie Mae authors and other entrepreneurs.

Ripple Effects

The many facets of her [Heather] personal and professional life have ultimately interwoven, creating a most vibrantly authentic, talented author, speaker, educator, blogger, and entrepreneur. Her laser focus lens is about creating safe spaces and outlets for students to express their stories. The connections she makes with struggling students have led to years of staying connected well into their adulthood. I encourage you to follow her wondrous work and the community investments she intentionally works with as a trauma-informed leader who brings one’s story on a journey of self-discovery and healing.”

Beth Shermoen, Owner JJEM Education & Consulting and Principal ISD 709